Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Shame of the nation

I get sick whenever I read about the plight of veterans, especially those physically and/or mentally damaged by war. The Walter Reed Hospital investigation going on now is a scandal of the first order. We send these young men and women off to do the bidding of the Commander-in-Chief, and most go willingly with belief in the wisdom of their leaders. When they then give life and limb, those who can returning to the neglect of the V.A. bureaucracy, we stand in shame.

I was under the care of the Portland V.A. for a number of years and had no complaints. I noticed a small deterioration of services as funds got cut and returning vets increased in number, and I finally switched to private care on the coattails of my wife's insurance. The V.A. problem, in my view, starts right at the top with funding. This administration increases troop numbers with one hand and cuts vet care with the other.

I have a friend whose son is still wrestling for care and settlement for injuries suffered in the first Gulf war. And I will never, never forget the 4th of July I spent in a VA Hospital when, as the fireworks began in the evening, more than one bed-ridden soldier rolled onto the floor, screaming, "Incoming! incoming!"

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