Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Office hours

So here I am, feeling better than I've felt recently, which is good since I have a busy class today. Man am I hoping this isn't another "false recovery" and actually is evidence of being on the downhill side of this. I've talked to a former student who's been fighting the crud a lot longer than I have. Appears to be a tough season for it.

The print version of the Vanguard profile got truncated and isn't as satisfactory to me since the last quotation is cut, which I think is the most important thing I say: Writing is my way of being in the world. At any rate, she still did a good job.

Last week of school. Pick up final projects Thursday, then finals Tuesday. Should have my grades in at the end of next week. Only a week break this term, then back to it for spring.

I am completely out of my rhythm, thanks to being sick. I hope I am well, completely, for the break so I can regain my dance, which happens to be at the foundation of my sense of well being. I still hope to finish the Baumholder draft before summer. I seem more eager to start Coffin than returning to Sally, which is interesting. Maybe because I've been so close to death in recent weeks, and in that book, one resident dies in each story, a novel based on stories, all set in a retirement center. Many takes on death and dying, in other words. And it's a comedy!

Well, a couple hours to kill. Not sure I can do anything useful.

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