Tuesday, March 13, 2007

the most who die, the more we live

Been thinking about this couplet that ends a poem by E. E. Cummings. I first encountered it in a lit class I took after getting out of the army in 1962.

This was at Pasadena Community College, where I went for a year to make up credits before going to UCLA. I had to make up credits because my previous college work at Cal Tech had quarter credits and UCLA was on the semester system; consequently I was short fractions of units on some required courses, and it was less expensive to make them up at PCC.

Going to PCC changed my life because I met my favorite teacher and first literary fan, J. Robert Trevor, with whom I remained close through the rest of his life. We were explicating the Cummings poem above and the closing couplet was stumping everyone. I said it meant, the more we're surrounded by death, the more we should appreciate life.

Sure been feeling that way lately.

In an hour, I'll be doing my class lecture ... wish it was now, and I feel like I'm beginning to fade for the day. But I'll hang in. Hangin' in like Gunga Din. Hmm, haven't listened to the Killer lately, should do that.

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