Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Miracle of mind

Woke up "seeing" the movie of my screenplay in progress, literary watching and hearing the next sequence that I have to write. Later I got out of bed and came to my basement office and wrote it. I'm already into act two, on page 27. I'm shooting for a 90-page script.

A nice note from the professor teaching my play Sad Laughter this term. Wants me to appear online to discuss the play with her students. Sounds good to me.

It's our anniversary! We're going to spend the day together, which in our busy schedules we don't do as a matter of course. Last night we talked about driving down to Salem to see an art gallery. Lunch somewhere, run the dog somewhere, a leisurely day. I've already put in a full day writing on the splay.

Tomorrow I need to think about the new syllabus. Basically just changing dates on it this time, not much to it.

Received a nice note from my brother. Hadn't heard from him in a while. He raved so much about the Beckett centennial edition that I'd better check it out.

He closed with ...: "Did you hear that recent studies on the Dead Sea Scrolls have revealed that the Golden Rule is incomplete? It should be: Do unto others as you would have others do unto you, but don't hold your breath."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary.