Saturday, July 12, 2008

Stirring the pot

I caught a discount offer on the online HCD I couldn't resist, so I subscribed for a year. A year! So I guess I'm going to keep stirring the pot and see if I can generate some deal or other in the year ahead, which feels a little like a swan song or something, the last hurrah, like ol' Bret Favre looking for another team to play one more time. But if you do this marketing grunt work in small pieces, it ain't bad at all. With a year subscription to the database, there's no pressure to get it all done soon. I've been sending out ten emails a day and that takes no time at all, a nice routine to add to the morning ritual. One thing is for sure, if you do nothing, you depend totally on your agent (or if you don't have an agent, nothing happens). I like my agent but two energies are always better than one when it comes to stirring the pot. Indeed, I was thinking of subscribing at the regular price when the big discount offer arrived -- I couldn't resist. So now I am connected to LaLaLand for a year, as I haven't been for a while. Whoopee.

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