Saturday, July 19, 2008


Several years ago, I was researching a project set in the Old West. A dark comedy based on a mythical event. I knew "tone" was going to be everything in this book, a novel, so I wrote a variety of page ones, trying out different approaches. Well, today I decided to revisit them -- but I can't find them. I can't imagine I tossed them, it was a high priority project at the time. I have great "search" software and I know page one would have had a certain phrase on it but I still can't turn up these pages. I haven't taken the time to search the entire hard drive, just directories something like that should be in. Also searched my backup drive (the text one, I also have a video one) and did find all of my considerable source material, thank the gods. But I really did want to revisit the tones of voice I was trying out. I was thinking of doing something lighter this summer, and this old west comedy might be the ticket. I guess I'll have to start from scratch. Not a biggie, just frustrating. I don't like "the idea" of not being able to find something.

p.s. I found it!

1 comment:

Julie said...

"Hollywood's Hero Deficit"

"The movie industry no longer aspires to portray genuine heroism—even though that’s precisely what audiences want to see."