Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Office hours

Did about 700 words so far in the office today. About an hour left before class.

An exercise in class today, "The Movie Game." I give them a situation: in this case, a homeless man discovers a dead body and steals its identity. First working alone, and following questions on a worksheet, they structure a story from this. Then I put them into groups of four, and they have to come up with a collaborative story. Always an interesting exercise and a taste of working collaboratively as a screenwriter, which is an important skill in the real world.

So my day in class is supervising, which means sitting and reading while they work -- or perhaps grading their midterms if I'm practical, which I usually am not.

Yahoo! mail having problems today. I'd hoped to catch up on some email this last hour.

Almost spring weather outside. Across the country in one direction, arctic cold, in another, a heat wave. I heard LA was almost 90 yesterday!

p.s. at 3:52 ... 1000 word quota reached.

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