Saturday, February 06, 2010

Just ask

I have an invisible stat counter that, among other things, tells me how folks get to this blog. One of the more interesting searches to get here happened this morning. In Jakarta, someone searched for "interpretation 'The Stiff' by Charles Deemer."

I'm fascinated by this. First, it's a one-act farce that's pretty much been ignored since I wrote it some 40 years ago but I still think highly enough of it to include it in my reader. So I'm thrilled when anyone notices it. Second, I don't understand what's so hard to understand. It's a farce about politics. You laugh or you don't. Third, anyone who can find the script online should be able to find my email address. They should just ask.

But this was the most interesting search trajectory since "bars in Baumholder."

You can read The Stiff here.

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