Sunday, February 14, 2010


Woke up visualizing the banjo again and am eager to try out what I was seeing -- except H is still in bed and will be for another hour or more. But I may have solved a remaining minor tech issue in my "attack." We'll see!

The relationship between visualization and physical action is fascinating. I hear jocks do this all the time -- visualize the ski jump, the final TD drive, whatever.

First goal today is to finally finish the duet in the score, where I stopped a week or more ago. Get back in the groove. And, of course, practice a lot of banjo.

Snooping around for a class after this one, I stumbled upon a string band class. Might be interesting. 8 weeks, 3 instructors, usually about 30 students, learning to play together, banjo, guitar, fiddle. Getting details on it.

Damn, I want to play banjo right now and try out this technique I visualized!

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