Saturday, February 27, 2010

More thoughts about a new fictional form

I am convinced a new form of fiction, based on the screenplay, is a perfect match in today's reading environment, which embraces digital readers and textual brevity. I hope someone with energy and creative courage moves in this direction. What better to read on a device that scrolls text vertically than a form based on vertical writing!? All that is necessary is a loosening of the screenplay form to get the professional jargon out. But I'd keep its structure, that is, a modular structure set off by formally defined scenes (i.e. sluglines).

I also think the form needs a catchy name. I haven't come up with one.

Such a form might even increase cultural literacy since the production of ebooks is not as dependent on making up considerable expenses. The entire economics of publishing changes, and the economic model that ruined literary fiction releases its stranglehold on the way books are produced and distributed.

Of course, we need a more educated reading public as well, an entirely different issue. But the narrative economy of the screenplay has been invisible to most because the splay is like an "in house" business plan, a blueprint for a movie. I'm convinced there is a much wider market for them, if made a tad more presentable to general readers.

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