Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Library wars

A good noon hour at the library, gathering more than my bottom line of daily signatures. But a very different hour it was!

As my first signer, a man in his 70s, was at work, another 70s man passed by, saw my sign and said, The son of a bitch we should have recalled was Bush. The signer looked up and said, We should recall Obama for what he's doing to the economy. The other, He inherited the economy from Bush. And off it went, Bush v Obama as faces got redder and voices rose, I had to step in between them and declare the library a national politics Free Zone. Finally they went on their ways, screaming at one another.

At as I was packing up for the hour, another old guy passed and said, Don't you have anything better to do with your time? I told him that I'd never done anything in my life that was more appreciated by folks. He said I shouldn't distract the mayor from doing his job, he had very important things to do. I said, Yeah, like renaming streets, you mean? The guy sputtered something and retreated into the library and I came home.

So today was a little different.

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