Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Hear hear

Commentary I stumbled upon:

The responses I have heard to date make me feel that we have slipped into the “Land of Oz”. If this were not the most important election of our lifetime this circus would be humorous. It appears to me the McCain and the Republicans are trying desperately to keep the focus on values and not on the issues. Hey it worked for the past 2 elections so why not now? And to make sure they are successful they select a female with the least amount of experience but with a profile that fits the “Annie Oakley”-gun slinging, kill all the wild life, family values-just say no and abstinence works, right to lifer, pro growth, pro oil, anti environment, drill for oil at the expense of protecting the last major wild life refuge, creationist to fill the shoes of the second most powerful position in the free world. She is a fundamentalist no different from the Islamic fundamentalist she professes to abhor. The Republican war against science will be realized if this ticket is elected in the fall. The change in the political climate since the 1960’s has been remarkable. John Kennedy had to prove that he could govern independent of the “Pope” and his religious beliefs. Now we can’t elect a candidate who does not consult with “God”. What happened to the separation of Church and State? What has happened to this Country? What has happened to the free “liberal” media who use to be able to ask tough questions and who were not afraid to do independent reporting?

Now we can't elect a candidate who does not consult with "God".

If there are not more reasoned articles like this one, we are doomed. McCain’s cavalier choice of Palin speaks volumes for his judgment or lack of judgment. Wake up America. Can we really have a President that so proudly shots from the hip without having his staff do due diligence on selecting a VP? Is this the type of man we need to lead and protect this Country in the 21st Century? Four more years of McBush will produce a third world country with religious values which will mirror those of the middle ages.


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