Monday, September 22, 2008

Most depressing food for thought of the day

I am losing respect for the American public. The fact the we even have above 30% of the population still thinking of voting for a party that has run this country to the ground economically, socially and militarily really makes me think that they really do not care for their country. All they care for is to get revenge at some perceived culture war humiliation they suffered at some point in their lifetime...

I am actually beginning to believe that John McCain may actually win this election. And not because Obama (and the rest of us) isn't working his butt off to win this thing, but because the Democrats lost the culture wars a long time ago. The fact that a lot of Americans still want to identify with someone who they can go hunting with and have a beer with, as opposed to wanting someone who can run this country in a competent manner, is very telling of what a nation we have become. Maybe that is Obama's biggest miscalculation. That he believes in the fundamental decency of the American people. I can't see any decency in wanting to vote for a party that misled its people into harming a nation that never attacked us. And if its populace still have no regrets about it, then we really do deserve the GOP to plunder and loot this country.

And it's just not Republicans who I despise. There are all those Reagan Democrats who were willing to vote for Hillary but not for Obama that I despise too. Its unbelievable to me that now all of a sudden they see Hillary's values reflection in McCain and Palin.


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