Tuesday, September 23, 2008

New voices from WASP

From Women Against Sarah Palin:

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to express my outrage at the level to which John McCain and his ill-advised advisers were willing to stoop to get him elected president. The selection of Sarah Palin has only served to distract both presidential candidates from addressing the real issues. I am insulted as a women and as an American at the desperation of John McCain and his use of “Country First” as a campaign slogan. Clearly, this selection of Sarah Palin has everything to do with John McCain and his last possible chance to be elected. It is sad to see how far he has fallen in 8 years.

I have nothing to say about Sarah Palin that hasn’t already been said other than to ask what kind of America she believes in that she would even consider—given her lack of experience and questionable governing policies—the offer to run as McCain’s VP choice.
-Kathleen S., 60, Charlotte, NC

As an independent, I chose in the last election to vote for President Bush. It was a choice that I now regret. I say this to say, I'm not a long-term anti-Republican but there is nothing about the Bush administration that I would like to see continued; and McCain's candidacy has been so patently political (all strategy, no substance) that I can't take him seriously as a candidate. I saw little to support in him before he announced his running mate. The selection of Palin only served to destroy any hint of respect I ever had for the man. Palin is clearly the most unqualified, vapid and dangerous woman in politics. If she's the best that the Republican party can come up with as a potential VP and a (God help us) back up should something happen to McCain, I truly feel sorry for you (well no, not really). The real question is, did Palin really think that women would be so dense as to that herself a dog with lipstick was a good thing? Are we supposed to be so blind that we don't realize that the Republicans are running the foulest campaign I have seen in my lifetime as a distraction to the fact that both McCain and Palin are just not right for the Oval Office?
-Lois W., Orland Hills, IL

As an independent voter not affiliated with either party, I am saddened and offended by McCain's choice of Sarah Palin as his VP. Sad because I think they might actually win (though it baffles me), offended because the choice is so patronizing. I accept that the choice of a woman for the VP spot was a smart strategic move for McCain, and that's just politics, but her? The first woman to get this close to the presidency should be someone who is actually qualified, not a political pawn who was chosen over more qualified women because of her celebrity style. Palin is on the wrong side of every issue that is important to me as a woman. The fact that she IS a woman does nothing to endear me, it only magnifies her ultra socially conservative positions all the more so. McCain has most certainly lost my vote.
-Jennifer C., 38, Potomac, MD

I am a 73-year-old retired social worker who registers as an Independent. However, McCain's pick of an inexperienced and arrogant women to be his Vice President clarified for me that my only choice is Obama. Ms. Palin frightens me both for my country and for my grandchildren who might have to reap the results of her so-called value-laden policies should she, God forbid, ever ascend to the Presidency.
-Jane B., 73

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