Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Campus can be a safe haven, no doubt about it. I haven't had a "full time" relationship with academia since graduate school, but in my part-time teaching I love being on campus and away from the shrill insanity of the world at large.

Talking in my office today with the retired professor, who is writing a book, we shared our sense of the surrealism of the moment, an almost disbelief that so many people could believe Palin is a viable VP candidate. Even thoughtful conservatives have expressed worry now. A conservative talk show host in Alaska has become a major critic of Palin's stonewalling of the investigation of her possible abuse of power. "Doesn't the truth matter?" he asks, criticizing his fellow conservatives who want to win at any cost.

I still think the electorate under 40, coming largely from college campuses, can save the day. We'll see.

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