Sunday, September 09, 2007

Legacy of enthusiasm

I began grad school on a PhD program, dropped out after a year, returned on an MFA/Fiction program and two years later changed to MFA/Playwriting after completing everything but the thesis for the former -- so I privately think of myself with two MFAs. At any rate, in a novel-writing class I was introduced to "the perfect novel" by the professor, Robert Lacy, which was Mrs. Bridge by Evan S. Connell, Jr., later shortened by the author to Evan Connell. Lacy's enthusiasm for the book was passed on to me. Since then I've tried to pass it on to others and now and again the book clicks with someone with as much enthusiasm as the ritual deserves, just recently with a young writer I admire. Passing on enthusiasm feels good when it catches, particularly passing it on to a younger generation, as Lacy did to me.

I think I'm done with Sunset. I'll prepare files today and upload them at the university tomorrow. This filmmaking stuff takes so much space, the files being so large, that I'm thinking of investing in a second 160G external hard drive for backing up stuff. I'll need to eventually if I keep at this.

I also am ready to make a DVD of my eight summer projects. How exciting! Something really different for my archives at the University of Oregon and University of North Carolina.

I have 3 more projects I know I want to do. Two scripts started. But after this, not sure. I am thinking of several things. A feature but it scares me. Scares me a lot. An alternative is a series of shorts -- stories with the same characters, like a mini-series. Or adapting something into a series. Lots to think about.

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