Thursday, February 04, 2010

Banjo lessons

Only two of us in class last night, which makes me the only one who's been to every class. I wonder if this is generational. I'm the only old fart in class.

At any rate, it was cool because we got lots of individual attention. Two highlights: the teacher identified a subtle bad habit I'm developing and need to correct; and she taught us an advanced technique, which gives me plenty to work on this week. Plus I'm also going through the DVD/book I used the first time around, which is more helpful this time than before since I have a live teacher to whom to ask questions that clarify matters.

So all is going very well so far. Real progress. Alas, there will be no advanced class immediately following this one. She says she needs several beginning classes from which to draw enough advanced students, so it might be six months or a year before she offers another one. I'll be there if it's on a night I'm not teaching.

Five more midterms to read. Today in class we celebrate what they've learned rather than focusing on what they still need to learn. A midpoint party of sorts. Then back to the hard work.

Tomorrow I'm already calling banjo day. Lots of energy to practice and improve.

I thought about catching the last half of First Wednesday after class last night but just didn't have the energy to drive across town and do that, then not get home till almost ten. I was in bed by ten.

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