Thursday, January 08, 2009

Whatever happened to David Shetzline?

Progress report. The morning email brought ...

David was in Eugene Oregon, working on a Masters in Lit as of 1997. I attended a number of seminars with him. His responses to novels were fascinating--never short, but always to the point. John Gage once listened to an extensive ramble David made regarding a piece of literature and commented that Magic Realism only works when writing fiction, not when commenting on it.

Thanks, Steve!


Anonymous said...

David Shetzline currently resides in Oakridge, Oragon. I've known David for over thirty years. He's as frisky as ever, sharp of mind and spirit, studying Budhism, and enjoying a few friends.

Charles A. Nardone said...

The last e-mail address that I had for Dave was
Does anyone have a more recent e-mail address? Please send it to