Friday, January 30, 2009

Vietnam Home Front II

I've never seen such division among families and friends as in the 60s over the Vietnam War between those on opposite sides of the issue. I fear this is what will happen in Portland during a recall election. I'm a perfect example. It's beyond my comprehension that the same person can support Obama and Adams -- well, unless they believe Obama, too, is just another lying politician, we just don't know it yet. But to give lip service to Obama's ideals and then to support a mayor who created his own fraudulent election ... I don't get it.

At the site I suggested better ways to network and keep morale up, suggestions which were taken to heart. I look forward to meeting some of the folks. I know too many liberals who support Adams, even though they give lip service to Obama. Ideologues suck, it doesn't matter where they are on the spectrum. The ends justify the means people. Ideologues suck.

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