Saturday, May 10, 2008

Dog parks

There are dog parks, and there are dog parks. Often we just go up the street to a Middle School and let Sketch run around there but as the weather gets better, the soccer teams take over the grounds. I don't like either of the two closest parks with dog-running areas. Our favorite is at Mary Young State Park, about ten miles away, because it has a large unfenced area for dogs to run in, it's usually not very crowded, and the sprawling park on the river has lots of trails for human exercise as well. And it's just a beautiful park. We took Sketch there today, then stopped by the Tillamook Creamery in Lake Oswego for lunch. A nice break.

Now to get back into a work rhythm. Or not. At least I got a lot of student work read this morning, though I have more to do.

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