Tuesday, May 20, 2008


In less than a month, I'll have my grades in and another school year ends. Onward to summer, when I expect to get a lot of work done. I'm at the age where I treat each summer as my last, just in case. I'm also revising my syllabus for next fall, adding a textbook to complement mine, WRITING FOR EMOTIONAL IMPACT. This book is strong where mine is weakest, and vice versa, so they should make an excellent pair. And both use the same language, which is helpful. Most of the disagreements between screenwriting books end up being semantic but it can be confusing to beginning students of the craft. This will be the most major revision I've done in quite a while. It helps keep the class fresh to me.

Gray drizzles, the Oregon mantra, are back. My mood turns gray with it. Damn, the hot sun was nice! Rumor says it will be back. Another Oregon mantra, the rumor of sunshine.

We workshop scenes in class today, usually a lot of fun.

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