Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Oregon Dem chair commits today

Many months ago I thought this highly of HC. No more. Ever since her sniper fire fabrication (especially the dramatic theatricality of its delivery, the blatant and manipulative lie of it), she has less and less of my admiration and respect. I now think of her as a female Nixon. If she's the VP, I don't know if I could vote for the ticket.
clipped from

Why I've chosen to back Barack Obama

F or the first time in 40 years, the Oregon Democratic
primary has played a pivotal role in deciding who may be our
president. In casting our votes, we Oregonians understood
the seriousness of our decision.

I have decided to support Sen. Barack Obama.

Has this been difficult for me? You bet it has. As a
65-year-old woman, I have a visceral understanding of the
fight for gender equality. My deep respect for Sen. Hillary
Clinton and what she means to that fight continues and will
continue in the years to come. As a senator, an advocate and
as a candidate for president, she demonstrates the absolute
importance and ability of women to lead. Her strength as a
candidate has forever expanded the possibilities for other
women. While we have come a long way in securing both gender
and racial equality, we still have lots of work to do.

Meredith Wood Smith of Portland is chairwoman of the
Democratic Party of Oregon and one of 12 Oregon

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