Saturday, June 02, 2007

Editing experiment

I'm quite proud of my editing experiment yesterday because it showed that I still have some "science chops" left from my early education.

What I wanted to find out is ... how hard is it going to be to edit dialog in my projects? I'd shoot a scene from different angles, then have to cut it together, and I was worried about how the sound would cut together.

So I faced the front of a chair. I shot it and recited, "Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country" several times.

Then I stood to the side of the chair and shot and recited the same thing.

Then I edited snippets from each. I discovered, yes, the sound could be made seamless but it did take some careful work. But it could be done! And, of course, on location, I'll always shoot a "save my ass" sequence when the actors exaggerate the silence between lines. Then I know I'll always have a workable shot for every line of dialog.

But anyway, I was telling all this to a scientist friend who said, You think like an experimental scientist. My first training. I guess it doesn't go away.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i really enjoy reading your blog