Sunday, November 26, 2006

Buried alive

Spent much of yesterday and today reading student scripts, and I'm still not done. Must finish up tomorrow because Tuesday I have final conferences all day. I also want time tomorrow to write each student a letter regarding the strengths and weaknesses of their work thus far, so they can focus on what to correct before final submission for a grade.

Tonight we're going out to see a one-man show despite a forecast of snow. Hope we don't regret it -- it can get crazy here when it actually does snow. But our forecasters are all alarmists. "Be sure to stay tuned for the latest..." etc. It's mostly hype, part of the cultural disease.

Otherwise been breaking up scripts by reading some poetry. Bought a couple of fat anthologies I'll be going through, one for American, one for World poetry. Re-educate myself about the major achievements now that I seem to be dabbling in the form myself with some regularity.


Anonymous said...


Visual storytelling, that is, the similarity between screenplay writing and poetry... saying a lot with few words.

Hopefully your students have incorporated this in their scripts.

Charles Deemer said...

Ah, yes, I'm very big on this.