Friday, November 27, 2009

A playwright's disappointment

Playwright Christopher Durang has posted about his disappointment in Obama.

I guess I miss the oomph that LBJ had both in civil rights and in getting Medicare/Medicaid passed into law. Then he let his mistakes in fighting in Vietnam sink him.

Obama is cool and charming. But oomph? Seemingly not. Hip and appealing. Yes, but can he do aggressive arm twisting to get something passed? Can he bring some power and aggressiveness to explaining things the country needs, to get people on board?" Not so much. So far.

And if Obama isn't the one to change things in a major way for the better -- health care, environment, people's rights -- who is?

I am a disappointed idealist.

Read the story

As I've said less eloquently here many times. Obama may be too nice to be president.

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