Sunday, November 29, 2009


For maybe twenty years I've been brooding about a modern adaptation of a classic holiday story with a point of view that struck me as very commercial and modern. However, there were plot points beyond my ability to adapt them, which meant dropping them, which ruined the essence of the piece, or keep trying to solve the problem. And so I did without success for some twenty years.

A moment ago, as I was thinking about this again for the simple reason it's a holiday story, the solution suddenly appeared in my head. I mean, it is perfect! It is modern and believable, which has been the challenge, and, man, I can't wait to develop this now, just for the satisfaction of it. I mean, I am astounded what a tidy and perfect solution this is, which appeared in my head without preface after twenty years of brooding without progress. The mind is an amazing tool.

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