Tuesday, January 13, 2009

New rhythm

Time to create a new rhythm, a break from video. Focusing primarily on the Cold War novel but also catching up on some screenplay projects, one at midpoint, a new idea that excites me.

Today, first things first, is a school day, and I have some chores to do in preparation for class. Class itself is a breeze today, we watch Citizen Ruth. But I still have administrative chores to do.

In my usual post-project mild depression, cranked up a bit this time because I lost the trust of one of my better actors. It happens. But once it happens, you never get back to where you were before. You still can have a working relationship but it's never the same. We won't regard one another the same. We won't work together the same. Fact of life.

(I mentioned to another actor the performance in question, and he thought it was one of the best in the piece, shocked in fact that the actor was unhappy with the way I shot him/her. I'm puzzled myself. But there it is.)

I'm looking forward to a spell of non-collaborative, solitary work. I disagree with myself enough to need others to disagree with me ha ha.

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