Thursday, January 01, 2009


I don't do New Year's resolutions. But I have goals, and I've been thinking about a few things I'd like to accomplish in 2009.
  • I'd like to finish my Cold War novel, finally.
  • Finish two more digital films: the Donnelly anthology and the summer feature.
  • Finish the current screenplay and write at least one other, preferably two.
  • On the personal front, make a decision about our house: are we selling it or not?
  • I know I should lose some weight but I also know that I probably won't. It would help if I were motivated to "live longer" but I'm not. What happens, happens. I see no advantage to living six more years instead of six more months except in not being able to do some projects I'd like to do. But having outlived all my closest friends, and without grandkids to watch grow up, I have no social motivation to shape the future in my favor. I take life one small step at a time. What happens, happens. I consider myself one of the lucky ones but I also know better than to press my luck.
  • I wish H and I could spend more time together but this would require both of us to become less busy, which doesn't seem likely.
  • I hope Sketch has a good year. He's the one I hang with more than any other these days.

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