Monday, January 01, 2007

Dinner conversation

I had a great time last night! This is no small matter since I've become something of a recluse as I get older. But it was a small group, ten, of interesting folks who made great conversation. I even had a "small world" surprise, talking to a woman who had grown up in Salt Lake City, home of my ex ("Sally") and had hung out The Joe Hill House and knew its remarkable founder, Ammon Hennacy, even interviewing him as a young reporter. Before coming to Oregon for grad school, "Sally" was in a bluegrass group with Bruce Phillips, later Utah Phillips, that often sang at the house, and the woman knew of my ex as well. These were all remarkable folks in a remarkable gathering.

We left at eleven and saw the New Year in at home, comforting the dog from all the noise in the neighborhood, but the dinner and evening were superb. Great food, great people, great conversation. Even the recluse had a fine time!

Today is watch the parade, make blackeyed peas, watch football day. Onward.

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