Sunday, April 15, 2007

Something else to cheer about

I love stories like this. Nothing is more exciting than kids doing great things.
clipped from

Kids' road to engineering win is paved with Legos

The journey of the three-boy, three-girl Oregon team
included as much as four years of preparation, a knowledge
of three computer programming languages and a nanotech
solution for cleaning up plastic in the Pacific Ocean.

To be official: The team won the Champion's Award at
the FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and
Technology) Lego League World Festival. It's the
premier award given to teams that excel in all areas of the
competition and show "gracious professionalism."
Unofficially: It's like winning a junior engineering
Super Bowl.

For the competition, the students had to prepare a
presentation on this year's theme -- nanotechnology, or
molecular-size machines.

They looked for a nanotech application that could clean up
small, degraded plastic particles rampant in ocean waters.

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