Monday, June 13, 2011

When Did We Become Rome? The Palin Pick - The Dish | By Andrew Sullivan - The Daily Beast

When Did We Become Rome? The Palin Pick - The Dish | By Andrew Sullivan - The Daily Beast:

"At what point did our political system become decadent? The moment when the United States collectively abdicated its responsibilities in self-government was when the American people accepted the notion that John McCain believed that Sarah Palin was qualified to serve as President of the United States. The fact that the media continues to legitimize the political viability of an individual who never gave a press conference and demonstrates zero ability to recognize what she does not know, is appalling. The fact that 45.7% of the American people in 2008 gave an affirmative answer to the very simple question: 'Is Sarah Palin qualified to be President of the United States?' is telling in and of itself.

I will go further: the introduction of Sarah Palin and her perverse relationship with the American media has been the singularly most toxic element in American politics in the post-Cold War period."

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