Thursday, June 23, 2011

Plodding along

Man, would I like some sunny weather day after day. I get energized by the sun but then it's gone the next day and we're back to Portland's gray gloom. It sucks. I can't believe I live here. And for over 30 years!

More writing on the novella this morning. At least there's that.

I was chatting with L., my closest friend, an old girlfriend who lives in L.A., and she was telling me how amazing it was to live with me, that no matter how much we partied, how hungover I was, I was always up early in the morning, writing, writing, writing. I sort of remember that.

The trouble is, I get up so goddamn early by the time it's 10 or 11 in the morning, I feel like the productive part of the day is over. If it were sunny, I could enjoy outside chores. But not in gray coolness. I hate gray coolness. I hate Portland weather. Blah blah etc etc.

Also been practicing banjo. At least there's that.

H home Saturday. Good!

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