Sunday, May 31, 2009

From the morning

On the deck. Have the fountain on behind and below me, beautiful sound for a beautiful morning. No cruising this morning, just mellow homebody energy on the deck.

Will get some work done out here. Later have yard work to do, but it's a pretty leisurely day, nothing pressing.

LATER. A few pages on the splay. The deck is a great place to work in the morning. Fountain splashing, birds chirping, not much traffic down the way.

But now that I've done a little writing, might be time for an errand to the bagel shop.

Watched a bit of the National Spelling Bee. What's immediately striking is how few white kids are involved, far under-represented with reference to national demographics. Over-represented in this regard are kids with roots in India. Different priorities in different cultures and families. I hope Obama means it when he talks about getting greatness back into our educational system. The scientific illiteracy in our culture is shocking.

Washington playing this morning and a win gets them into the finals. If they lose, they get a second shot. I'm rooting for them, the last Pac 10 team left.

After the game, noonish, I'll get the reel mower outside and do some chores.

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