Friday, May 08, 2009

From the library

My small local branch of the library has the most friendly wireless interface yet. No login required at all, i.e. don't need a library card or anything, which is good, just an agreement not to look at porn. Agree, agree!

Picked up an 80s edition of LOVE IN THE WESTERN WORLD, the classic by the Swiss theologican Denis de Rougemont, which was such an influence on me in my 20s, and there's much added material, so this will be an exciting revisit indeed. Moreover, all of this is for the novel at hand, to get my juices flowing again. Indeed, in my recent brooding I remain committed to the concept of the book, its story set up, just not sure I can pull it off. But I hope I regain the energy to give it a try. It's a damn daring book, and those are the best kind to tackle. I'm in no hurry at all, however. A careful rereading of de Rougemont will keep me busy for a while.

This small library is a nice place to work. My new escape when I don't want to have coffee at hand. And it's only a mile away ... close enough to limp here. I say limp because my knee continues to bother me. It does have relatively good and bad days.

Check mail and maybe head out.

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