Friday, May 22, 2009


I confess I sympathize with the mother on the run with her sick son because she refuses to let him have chemo. Yes, I realize this is the standard treatment for cancer with a significant success rate. But I also know what I've witnessed with my own eyes.

I've had several close friends try chemo for cancer. In every case, without exception, the treatment was worse than the disease, their final months were miserable, and they left this world regretting their decision. To a man! For me, that's powerful evidence.

Presently I have a friend with cancer who has refused chemo. He is doing an alternative "natural" treatment -- and is doing just fine! This is what the mother wants to do. She's not neglecting her son, she just has strong opinions about how best to help him, which puts her in conflict with mainstream medical opinion.

So she's a fugitive. I don't think this is right. I think there are reasons one should be wary of chemo. I don't think a mother should be punished for preferring an alternative treatment.

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