Thursday, February 05, 2009

What the day looks like

Half a dozen midterms still to read. Decide on which get read in class, how long this might take, and what to do with the rest of the class time.

Skipping the Saturday morning opera and seeing "Revolutionary Road" instead. Too much going on, too many things to see. Have to make some tough decisions. Friday and Monday are committed, as they usually aren't, so I don't expect to get much writing done over the coming break from teaching. But a little nonetheless, to keep moving forward. Almost done with the splay draft, for example. And very excited about the early pages of the Last Day novel. I have an incredible ending in mind -- not commercially attractive in any way, shape or form, but an actual thought-provoking "true" ending, if I can pull it off. If I do, this is a book I'll be proud of.

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