Monday, February 09, 2009

Catching my breath

A couple more student scripts to look at before tomorrow but I can do them tomorrow morning. Have a couple hours before heading out for a video interview, a long drive to get there, so I'll relax and maybe read or even look at the novel pages I printed out so I can turn to it soon. I don't think I collect pages tomorrow, which would free up Wednesday.

Otherwise, spirits rise and fall in the usual pattern. Try to keep busy and "out of the world" so to speak.

Have a very exciting continuing student this term, I think she has a screenwriting career ahead of her if she wants it. Very talented and, better, driven to learn more on her own, studying movies like mad, just finished a draft of her script, which I am eager to read. In fact, I think I get it tomorrow. She has time to revise for the May 1 deadline of the Nicholl. A noble goal.

Cold but a bit of sunshine. Can't have everything, at least not here in Puddle City.

Caught a glimpse of Obama's town meeting. What an inspirational guy! Wish we didn't have a lying arrogant politician for a mayor.

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