Saturday, February 07, 2009

Pleasantries and unpleasantries on a Saturday morning

Off to do errands! First to the post office, mailing nine -- count 'em -- bills, a mere fraction of our monthly expenditures. Astounding how much it costs to live a less-than-wealthy life in America. But at least our head is above water. Attention, ye gods! This is not a complaint!

Off to the store to buy ingredients for a new batch of scrapple. Jazz on the radio, hosted by a DJ I affectionately call Grandma. She sounds like Everygrandma. I dig her. She's much better than the kids who come on later in the day.

In the store, a senior moment: where the hell is the corn meal? Same store I always go to. But I can't find it. Finally have to ask -- and there it is, right where it always is, where I passed it many times in my futile search. Ah, aging! I suppose I should be thankful it wasn't "home" that I couldn't find.

To the coffee stand for coffee. Luck of the draw, I get a young woman who is aggressively friendly and too inexperienced to realize my curt one-liners in response to her evasive questions have subtext, as in SHUT THE FUCK UP! I'm brooding about the ending of my screenplay here. I want coffee, not conversation. But she wants to know what I'm doing today, and what movie is it I'm going to, and WHY did I choose that particular movie -- Jesus! I take the coffee and run.

The mood is ruined. I had planned to cruise a bit, brooding more on the dramatic puzzle in my head, but instead I just come home, I'll work on it here later.

It's a good day, in sum. Can't ask for more than that.


Jonathan said...

Was she cute?

Charles Deemer said...

As a matter of fact, she was! And under different circumstances, I could have entertained the hallucination that she was flirting with me.