Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Big C and the Big A

You get to be my age and the shadow of the Big C is lodged in a back corner of your brain. When is it your turn to do battle? But I'd forgotten about the Big A, which actually has been a problem with H. Arthritis. X-rays show "mild arthritis" in my right knee, that's been my problem apparently. Physical therapy is suggested, which I'm looking into. I'd rather do something less corporate.

1 comment:

Andrew klaus-Vineyard said...

hey Charles, I'm only 30 but have been suffering from FMS since I was young, which sends me to rheumatologists and pain management experts (who by the way-are not so expert it turns out). I'd suggest acupuncture. It has seriously done wonders for me over the years. My mom has arthritis pretty severely and it's been a godsend to her as well.