Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Election satiety

I can't take any more campaign politics. It's become so ugly, nasty, irrational, and cheer-leading of our worst natures -- what's next, a riot or a lynch mob? McCain Republicans should be ashamed of themselves, and I'm glad to see many leaving in protest. But far too many remain.

What can stop an Obama landslide?
  1. some extraordinary smear tactic sticking
  2. widespread election fraud
  3. martial law and a suspension of the election
  4. assassination (crazies in the crowd are already yelling "Kill him!")

1 and 3 strike me as least likely, leaving fraud and assassination as McCain's remaining strategies for victory. What a world.

My father, a Navy man, is rolling over in his grave at this dishonorable display by a former officer.

For the life of me, I don't understand how voters can support this extreme crap.

I need to hide out from the political news for a month until this nightmare is over. Fat chance.

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