Thursday, October 23, 2008


Been brooding about what to do with myself on my birthday: I could take myself out to dinner, of course. Maybe go to Jake's or someplace I haven't been for a while. OR I could have an early bday, like tomorrow, and cook up a feast. I make a hell of a fisherman's stew but haven't made it for a while. The problem is cooking for one person, of course, so I'd have to make an effort to make less than usual, maybe 2 or 3 meals worth. I love cooking -- as long as it's a project. I don't enjoy sustenance cooking.

Or if the weather is good, the dog and I could take a day trip for an early dinner. There's a great family restaurant just out of The Dalles that serves turkey dinners, Thanksgiving style, year round. I might be up for that. And it's a great drive, especially if you take the back roads.

I could do both ... fisherman's stew tomorrow, turkey dinner Sunday.

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