Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Body language

After the debate ...

In a quick, easily missed moment, the camera is alternating between shots of Obama, McCain and their wives walking around, shaking hands with the audience. Then... the McCain's and Obama's end up next to each other. John, Cindy, Michele and Barack. McCain proceeds to reach behind his wife, and gives Michele a couple of quick pats on the back. Barack reaches out in front of Michele and Cindy to shake John's hand. McCain, hesitates briefly and proceeds to gesture to his wife to shake Obama's hand.

McCain can't even bring himself to shake his opponents hand. The most basic and civil of human interactions. It was actually shocking and we watched it several times, in disbelief. This from the candidate who asserts at every opportunity that he can work with others. If anyone is able to find this clip and provide and youtube link, that would be great. The visual was truly shocking on a fundamental, human level.



Anonymous said...

It will be up several times on Youtube... probably even by now. I noticed it myself. Shocking, yes.

Anonymous said...

I noticed it as well. Frankly, I've had enough of McCain's thuggish behavior.

Andrew klaus-Vineyard said...

In the last debate he didn't even look at Obama, in this he stormed about like a grandstanding (albeit floundering) bully. It doesn't surprise me. He muttered "horse-shit" audibly in the last live debate. I can't believe anyone really believes this man can change anything other than his mind.