Tuesday, April 15, 2008

What the week looks like

Today isn't too shabby. Only a few things to do to prep for class. Lunch date. Classroom discussion and collect first script pages.

Tomorrow, read student work. I'm already prepared for Finale class, having gone over the material early on the PC at home. Do the same thing on the Mac Wednesday evening.

Thursday, music theory homework to do. Should do it Wed. so I'm not in a rush before class. Discuss student work in class.

Friday. I'm already almost up to speed on the two new songs we have to learn. Only three of us in class now, two women who are refreshing lifelong piano skills, and yours truly, so we get to zip right along. I'm the slowest one for a change.

This weekend, damn it, finish the screenplay rewrite! And get started on the last video of the hyperdrama project.

Busy, busy. The way I like it.

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