Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Possible futures

I envy the support for digital storytelling at Tunxis Community College, WSU-Vancouver, and other institutions across the land. We have nothing here at PSU. I asked my chair about this, and she asked if I wanted to develop a course. I think I might: Hypertext Literature: Its History, Its Development, Its Future. The new digital book readers certainly support the possibility of a growing audience. And I also noticed Tunxis has online courses. I'm looking into proposing a course in writing hyperdrama. I feel the old obsession returning. I think the future belongs to branching narratives, have thought so since the mid-80s. It's just a better map of reality if our physicists are correct about how the universe works.


Anonymous said...

Tunxis does indeed have an excellent base new media program, and it's likely the persistence of a few instructors who had the foresight to see that this is where the writing and art, combined with computer technology was heading.

Good luck in your efforts to introduce the concepts as courses in your own institution. It will be well worth the effort in your own satisfaction though the benefit to the students--and the school--will be evident immediately in the enthusiastic reception of the programs. You've got so much to offer them all in this area.

susan @ hypercompendia

Charles Deemer said...

Appreciate the encouragement.