Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Once is not enough

G. and M., the stars of that gem of an indie film Once, passed through town last night, and we were there in the large auditorium to see them. After handing over a complete first set to two Irish musicians traveling with them, they came on stage, where a huge adoring crowd kept them singing for almost two hours. This has been quite a ride for them, a real fairytale. (In a zero-sum universe, balances out that creep who kept a daughter in a basement for decades, screwing kids out of her.) G. seems like a nice guy. He even brought a local guy he'd met that afternoon on a walk on stage to sing.

I'm not big on crowd-events, be they musical or sports or anything else, so I didn't enjoy the evening as much as H. did. I prefer the movie to the concert, and I like the songs better in the film's context than otherwise. But my lack of ga-ga put me in a small minority.

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