Sunday, March 23, 2008

Do it yourself

An honorable tradition, though as with anything else, applications of genius are rare.
The Woolfs and the Press

On this day in 1917 Leonard and Virginia Woolf purchased a small, used handpress; a month later, it was delivered to Hogarth House, their West London home, and the Hogarth Press was born. Over the next three decades the Woolfs would publish 525 titles, many of them by other influential modernists -- Mansfield, Forster, Eliot -- and most of them collector's items today.

In 1917 Virginia Woolf was not long out of a third mental breakdown, this one prolonged and severe, and Leonard thought that book publishing might be a therapeutic hobby.

Whatever its therapeutic or historic value, the Hogarth Press allowed Virginia Woolf to experiment with her kind of writing. It also saved her from the loathsome prospect of having to take another book to Duckworth Publishing, run by the stepbrothers who sexually abused her.
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