Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Track and field

I like track and field. When I was at UCLA in the 60s, I'd go to a meet on a Saturday afternoon and only a few hundred fans were watching. No big deal. I came to grad school at the Univ of Oregon and came to a meet -- and thousands were there!

I was in attendance the evening of the Twilight "Miracle" Mile that made the front cover of Sports Illustrated, when the first 4 or 5 runners broke 4 minutes.

Steve Prefontaine

Steve Prefontaine was the big gun then, of course, A great runner to watch. Also something of a wild man. Liked his beer. There are two bioflicks out about him: in one, the official one, an anonymous car forces him off the road to his death; in the other, he is speeding and it's left possible that he caused his own death. Knowing his wildness, I tend to agree with the latter, though it's locally the politically incorrect version. We don't like blemishes on our heroes. But I can easily imagine him speeding to his death, with or without intoxication. He was that kind of a risk taker.

Whether Rupp (see clip) becomes another Prefontaine remains to be seen but he's off to a good start.

Galen Rupp

clipped from

Galen Rupp of the University of Oregon set an American
collegiate record in the 10,000 meters on Sunday night at
the Payton Jordan Stanford Invitational in Stanford, Calif.,
lowering his personal best by 42 seconds and putting himself
on a short list of U.S. runners vying for a spot in the 2008

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