Sunday, May 20, 2007

A film to look forward to

The Coen film that gets better each time I see it is "O Brother Where Art Thou?"
clipped from


Coen brothers show violent, humorous film in Cannes

CANNES, France (Reuters) - The senseless violence portrayed
in the Coen brothers' film "No Country For Old Men," rated by
critics as one of their best yet, is not meant to be a
reflection of America today.

Set in 1980 along the U.S-Mexican border, the movie follows
three men brought together in a bloody triangle and manages to
do so with deadpan humor delivered in heavy Texas drawls.

"I think pointedly he (McCarthy) does not make the novel
contemporary, because I think what he's after in the novel is
something which is not about contemporary social commentary at
all," said Joel, who with Ethan won Cannes' top prize in 1991.

Jones' character ponders "what happens when you grow older
and you look at the world and think that it's changing, it's
all gone to hell in a hand basket, and how much of that is a
reflection of what is really happening and how much is a
reflection of old age."

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