Monday, May 21, 2007

Sixty Minutes story

A man with a dream faces the predatory competition of the marketplace, and his dream is threatened. Or is it?
clipped from

What If Every Child Had A Laptop?

(CBS) Nicholas Negroponte, a professor at MIT, had a dream. In it every child on the planet had his own computer. In that way, he figured, children from the most impoverished places – from deserts and jungles and slums could become educated and part of the modern world. Poor kids would have new possibilities.
As correspondent Lesley Stahl reports, it was a big dream.
Negroponte thought he had a chance of actually seeing it happen if he could help invent a really inexpensive laptop.
So, two years ago he founded a non-profit organization called “One Laptop Per Child.” He recruited a cadre of geeks and viola! The hundred dollar laptop, designed specifically for poor children, was born.
But let’s go back to the beginning when Negroponte first got his idea in Cambodia.
The idea came to him in a remote village called Reaksmy – a 4-hour drive on a dirt Road from the nearest town. It’s as far from MIT as you can get. They don’t even have running water.
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