Saturday, December 16, 2006

Editing chores

Been working in code all morning, getting poets online for the new review. About a quarter of the way through them. My goal is to be online with the issue before Christmas, and if I work a few hours each day, I should make it. But I'm scolding those editors who sent me everything at the last minute instead of when they knew they had accepted it. Last issue went much better in this regard.

All the same, it's likely our best issue yet, and this is a great motivating factor in getting through the grunt work.

Running at about 75% today, every day a bit more. Need to remember my own work amidst all this editing activity. Onward.


Anonymous said...

Love the new Sisyphus graphic. Hopefully not a reflection on your attitudes toward the task you're facing.

Glad to hear there are some blue-collar editors left standing in the modern maelstrom of pretension. One of my favorite poets in that vein is Joe Millar. Headed for Seaside in January to study with him and his crew.

Charles Deemer said...

The graphic has always been there. Maybe it didn't load. I believe we have Millar in the new issue ... haven't gotten to his stuff yet but I think he was on the list.